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When something is Missing, And You have no Idea

i think i am not the only one who ever felt like this. this almost every single time hits me, and i have no idea on what is going on. Today, i am feeling the same like i was feeling those last day. Creatively my mind is directly opening browse and look for some ideas about this. Well, what will i find there? Let me tell you some i got from some article i have read.

Same as Lukas from Huff.Post who ever felt the same, he said that- that is a normal thing and i though that is very important in your life at least happen once. Lukas Said that when he felt the feeling like missing whom he did not know about what was going on with him. those words he said such "What eventually made me feel differently about it was having something to work towards, something that made me feel like my life mattered!". Realizing it or not, that sometimes we feel like nothing happen and nothing to fight for. When i, you, we lose our way to do something. We forget about the purposes of life, and about the fear that block everything that we wanna reach. 

Hasil gambar untuk find yourself

He also said that " I believe what is missing from your life currently is Direction" and i am sure enough that he was true. I feel like lose something. Feel like i even could not help myself from solving some problem in my life, when i feel like no body was around to consult and talk deeply with. The moment where i need to share and having some feedback to support this life-feeling-of-hope. Once i read that statement which opens my mind, that what i need is totally some directions, from someone who already through the way i haven't gone through. I try to grow from what i have done this far, but i just, haven't. I think, all of us should not be afraid of sharing and telling your fear to someone else for getting support, love and peace. We need directions to keep  moving, or at least you have google to watch what is going on for answering your fear and anxiety. It will works, or at least it will open some blockade on your brain. Try it.

Creating some dreams and list to get in your daily life keeps you moving and having another best step to reach dreams. Find your missing feeling. Find your directions to go out for. Because once you feel missing and do not find it out, you will stay and keep standing there with those curiosity on your mind about how stuck you are. 

"If you do not find this, then you will continue to feel lost, you will not feel like anything you do matters, and to make things worse, you will always feel that hole inside your heart."

We indeed need to find out, or we will continue of being lost. Lost of directions and stop our stepping to keep moving to another step of journey of life. You need to keep standing and walk your first step. Do not stop until you get what you want, then do some improving things. Be mature of the experiences you have gone through. Be wise of taking the lessons from every things that happen. It works a  lifetime. It will works for every single decisions you will take.


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