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Showing posts from November, 2013


Debate ?????!! What is actually debate? anyone knows it? okay then. people have their own perception and their own view about every single thing, whatever those are, as well with debate. Debate can be divided by two such as noun and also verb, noun means that debate is a thing where you make discussion about something or looking for the result of something, verb means that where you change or deliver your argument with your partner even your rival. I knew debate from my sister, i just remembered when she was a student in a university that joined debate as a part of it, and the one that i know too late is, she was just an adjudicator. My sister ever told me that she ever tried to debate with her partner but the result was not really good, since that time she chose to be an adjudicator till the time she graduated. Lol so far? First time i got university in 2012, i was looking for debate. Not really interested, but just wanna know waht is actually debate and how is it going so far ...

Fakta Masa Kini

Banyak hal-hal yang terjadi yang sebenarnya kebanyakan diluar logika, atau tepatnya terlalu banyak orang-orang yang jauh dari kehidupan normal yang sesungguhnya. Mungkin kalimat sebelumnya terlalu abstrak bahkan absurd, yah mungkin tapi sebenarnya tujuannya bukan itu. Okay, disini penulis ingin menuliskan beberapa fakta yang terkadang dia sendiri tidak habis fikir mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi, baik itu dilingkungan rumahnya, kampusnya, atau bahkan tempat-tempat maupun daerah-daerah yang dia jalani. Berikut beberapa fakta masa kini yang dirangkumoleh penulis, sebelumnya ini semua hasil pemikiran brain-writer that is given by Him. Let me tell you these : Satu, fakta masa kini yang saya juga bisa yakin akan menjadi fakta beberapa masa yang akan datang yaitu kedisiplinan lalu lintas. Kenapa saya bahas tentang hal ini? Jujur, ini hal yang sangat memalukan yang sampai sekarang belum bisa diselesaikan oleh pemerintah, walaupun menurut penulis kesalahan terbesar berada pada masyarakat...