Watch- Your- Words is a title that is really easy to predict what this is talking about. So many bad things happen just because you do not watch out your words. Why is it very important to control every single words that is out from your mouth? Like What people say "your mouth is your hell". Yes, that is important. Attitude is one from those way for people to know who you really are. And words include in it. Since what you say is good, people do not get hurt, and that is okay, but inspite of it, people get hurt. This is why we have to choose our words when we want to talk to somebody else. no matter how old or how young they are, you should choose the best words that you had. Example. many last cases that occured in Indonesia, where many students not only in school but also university, still lack of politeness in words. They were talking about society, even people who worked in government, even place or such. Call her Bunga, the one who is studying in coll...
Seeking Knowledge Creates Courage